July 2023: United States Temperature and Precipitation
Heat waves across southern tier set records
Lower 48 Contiguous United States temperature average compared to 1991-2020 normal was +1.35°F from PRISM (Oregon State) for July 2023 with southern Arizona including Phoenix at least 7°F hotter than normal. Western Texas including El Paso experienced very hot conditions. However, the central Plains were much cooler than normal matching up with areas of cloud cover and above normal precipitation. The winner was New England with boatloads of rainfall during July.
Average Temperature Anomaly (1991-2020 normal) calculated by (TMAX+TMIN)/2
Maximum Temperature Anomaly
Minimum Temperature Anomaly
Precipitation Anomaly (1991-2020 normal) inches (not percentage)
New England actual precipitation that fell. Look at those 12” analysis spots!
Washington D.C. area high temperatures from 1871 to July 2023 using the NWS color table which reminds me of an aquarium strip thermometer.