Welcome to Weather by me, Ryan Maue. I’m a private-sector meteorologist (PhD) that specializes in hurricane forecasting, numerical weather prediction (weather models) and making pretty colorful maps.
I grew up watching the Tropical Update on the Weather Channel and waited for the microwave clock to hit :50 past the hour to see what monster storms were brewing in the Atlantic. This was in the mid-1990s so the hurricane seasons really got busy.
Now I have all the best tools at my disposal to create interesting and valuable content which I primarily share on Twitter. I never really got into blogging but I think this content medium is perfect for sharing my love of weather to interested readers. Plus, you’ll have so much inside information about what’s going on that you can impress your friends and family.
And if you followed me on Twitter, then you know that I mix in a lot of politics especially as my account has grown larger. The great thing about free speech on social media platforms is that following and participating is completely voluntary. You can cocoon yourself into a safe space or venture outside your comfort zone into an intellectual debate. But, here I will mostly “Stick to Weather”.
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